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Hi all and a few questions

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Hi all and a few questions

Postby Borog » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:56 am

Hi guys,

I,m new here but played abit on the official server as Gold hero and always got confused with someone called Golden boy so now I,m Borog

I just bought and am waiting on a fat Pal ps2 with net adaptor hard drive and free mcboot, a USB to IED cable with power supply and the Jap versions of the games, do I need anything else?

I,m not the most tech savy guy on the planet so I read freemcboot would help somehow, does anyone have an idiots guide to getting online?

Also does any ppl play this game using a VoIP such as team speak or Skype or do you all play old school?

Thanks for any help you can provide and hope to be playing with you guys soon.

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Re: Hi all and a few questions

Postby Morloki » Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:17 pm

Hello and welcome to the server~

You should dig a little on "Playing with console" forums, which is here: http://www.obsrv.org/viewforum.php?f=12
I'm sure there will be threads answering your questions~ :D

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Re: Hi all and a few questions

Postby JoeTheUseless » Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:49 pm

did you get up and running? i just set mine up today and can elaborate on a few things here is what i did i am nearly there but not quite here is what am up to and is working :)

( 1) Bought a free Mcboot memory card ( eBay )
( 2 ) second hand phat PS2 console carboot 7 pound BARGAIN :D :D
( 3) bought a 750GB IDE HDD
( 4) bought a Network adaptor

Next you need the translation patches ( OPTIONAL )://resouttrans.blogspot.co.uk/p/translation-progress.html there eare instruction in the read me file easy peasy then copy it back to the pc with Winhiip always run this programme as administrator as it messes up not doing so format the drive in winhiip and copy the games over also to note HDLOADER will not load this game for me i had to use OPL and it ran first time on default settings make sure use set HDD start mode in OPL settings to see the games and press O

you can play without the translation patches but it helps me a bunch :D :D

game loads for me fine now i just need to set up the DNS for the network configuration :D :D

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Re: Hi all and a few questions

Postby UBCSMercenary » Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:03 am

So I was having issues playing online with the game taking too long for me to load in to the game on loading screens or being able to skip cut scenes as fast as other people I was playing online with. They reccommended that I use OPL, and they told me there was a tutorial FAQ on it somewhere here. I'm looking for wherever that is. If this is not the right place then can someone please point me in the right direction? I'm new to these forums and FAQs.
Last edited by UBCSMercenary on Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hi all and a few questions

Postby 0Cool » Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:09 pm

So I was having issues playing online with the game taking too long for me to load in to the game on loading screens or being able to skip cut scenes as fast as other people I were playing online with. They reccommended that I use OPL, and they told me there was a tutorial FAQ on it somewhere here. I'm looking for wherever that is. If this is not the right place then can someone please point me in the right direction? I'm new to these forums and FAQs.
I have bad news if you are a console user; emulator users have a relative advantage in loading times, although this was not the case a couple of years ago, they can also skip scenes regardless of other users agreeing, leaving you stuck in the kinematics and can accelerate their game by pressing a button on its keyboard, which I do not remember what it is, in addition to other advantages. This is life.

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Re: Hi all and a few questions

Postby UBCSMercenary » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:12 pm

I'm actually playing this on the PCXS2 not an actual console and am still getting those issues with slow load in times even on a wired ethernet connection instead of wifi. But what I wanted to know about was this OPL thing I can use to improve speed?

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Re: Hi all and a few questions

Postby Silent Hell » Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:49 pm

I have bad news if you are a console user; emulator users have a relative advantage in loading times, although this was not the case a couple of years ago, they can also skip scenes regardless of other users agreeing, leaving you stuck in the kinematics and can accelerate their game by pressing a button on its keyboard, which I do not remember what it is, in addition to other advantages. This is life.
Not necessarily true. If a console user with HDD and PCSX2 user on OPL both compare loading times, the emulator user is generally only ahead by a second, which isn't all too significant. The use of turbo to "skip" load times is also considered cheating and is called out by the majority of users. So if you use turbo, enjoy getting blacklisted by the community. It's already happened many times before. No one likes putting up with it. Not even other emu users.

As for the original question, the tutorial is stickied in the emulator section. So I suggest you look there as it's literally at the top of the page.

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