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Looking for friends to play with!

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Joined: Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:21 am

Looking for friends to play with!

Postby rvalentine » Tue May 07, 2024 1:00 am

Hey Everyone,

I'm not new here, but I am new to interacting in the forums! I've been playing Outbreak online for over 2 years now, and I played this game all throughout my teens when it came out. Can't wait for Capcom to remake these (if I say it, it'll happen right?).

I play very often, but I've been finding it kind of difficult to play with people recently. I noticed that a lot of people with make open rooms, but will close them when I join and remake them as a private room.

I'd love to find a group to play both File 1 and File 2 with! Playing just for fun, newbies or serious players welcomed, my Discord is rashawnvalentine for anyone that wants to play! I don't use a mic when playing.

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