We have moved to a new IP! Please head to the IP Switch wiki page for a quick guide on how to connect again.

Outbreak is back online - new DNS

short notes for those not reading all the forums
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Outbreak is back online - new DNS

Postby the_fog » Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:14 pm

We had to move the servers and got some new IPs.
Please use the following address as DNS entry in your network setup for PS2 or PCSX2 in order to play Biohazard Outbreak File #1, File#2 or Twisted Metal Black: Online.

The old IP is not working anymore.

The system was built up from the ground. Though we tested everything thoroughly, it’s still possible something isn’t working. In this case let us know.

And yes, shoutbox is on the way ...

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Re: Outbreak is back online - new DNS

Postby Isles487 » Sun Oct 09, 2022 7:02 pm

As part of the forum cleanup and build-out of the wiki.obrsrv.org site, we are unstickying old threads and guides with information that is now posted to the wiki. The wiki is our definitive source of information for getting set up on Outbreak, the server, and the Cheat Sheet, which includes tons of useful information about the game. We thank everyone that's contributed to the knowledge base of the server over the years and helped make the community what it is!

Please see https://obsrv.org/wiki/index.php?n=Setu ... ns-address for our DNS address, which is still

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