We have moved to a new IP! Please head to the IP Switch wiki page for a quick guide on how to connect again.

The Outbreak servers are open source.

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby killme » Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:43 am

so what is ip in .sh files?
hills says public ip, and in dev9 is route ip (192.168.x.x)
this made me confuse.
I play outbreak on emu.
I found forward port setting in virtual box option, but dont know how to do.
I found dmz option in router, I need input public ip or router ip?

now all IPs changed to, its local ip in my router.
and same IP in dev9 setting, still cant connect, just a blue error screen.

i found an option name Port mapping(forward)
Intranet IP address | Intranet port | External network port | agreement
how to do on the 2 ports?

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby hill73n » Wed May 05, 2021 11:07 pm

so what is ip in .sh files?
hills says public ip, and in dev9 is route ip (192.168.x.x)
this made me confuse.
I play outbreak on emu.
I found forward port setting in virtual box option, but dont know how to do.
I found dmz option in router, I need input public ip or router ip?

now all IPs changed to, its local ip in my router.
and same IP in dev9 setting, still cant connect, just a blue error screen.

i found an option name Port mapping(forward)
Intranet IP address | Intranet port | External network port | agreement
how to do on the 2 ports?
Sorry for delay. Only just saw your message.
That IP and Public IPv4 part can be confusing and i got it wrong the first time too :~ .

Ok. If you intend to play on PCSX2 then do this:

1. Get your Public IPv4 from https://www.whatismyip.com and Execute in Terminal


and put that ^^ Public IPv4 to replace the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in


then Execute in Terminal


2. Next separately Execute in Terminal



and put that same ^^ Public IPv4 to replace the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in


3. In your PCSX2 CCLRdev9.ini.... wioll continue later.... gotta go to work now.

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby dingoyabuki » Sun Jul 18, 2021 9:36 pm

Hey all,

I tried the VirtualBox OVA file that hill73n linked:

and configured my CLR_DEV9.ini to the VM's IP.

I can log on and create rooms with 2 instances of PCSX2 with File 2.

However, when I try to start a scenario, the member screen appears, then I get a black screen and get brought back to the Free Area.

In the terminal of the server, see the error:

Code: Select all

Lobbyserver closes connection to :/<some random port>
Does this ring a bell to anyone?
Is there a way to maybe increase the verbosity of the error messages?


Things I've tried/noticed:

* Both File 1 and File 2 have the same behavior, both with and without the English patch - I can create rooms and start scenarios, but I will be brought back to the scenario conclusion screen after seeing a black screen for a moment.

* "Infinite Loading Patch" for CLR_DEV9 did not help

* CLR_DEV9:Winsock Information: 8 : Closed Dead Connection appears in the PCSX2 console

I was running this server with the intention of it just being local.
the config.properties file had gs_ip set to, which is localhost, so I figured that would suffice. However, that was not the case. I found that I still had to modify the file and set gs_ip to the local IP of the network adapter.

Run ifconfig and get the "inet" value of eth0 if you are using VirtualBox.

I'm now able to run games. Thanks to everyone who worked on this!

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby dingoyabuki » Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:03 am

Here's a tutorial I made for the visual learners out there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSYnMp6 ... e=youtu.be

There's a timeout about 30 minutes that occurs if you do not press any buttons while connected to a server, after which you get disconnected. I've dug around the source code, and I don't see anything handling this.

Does anyone know if this is handled by the server, or if it's handled by the client (the game itself)?

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby killme » Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:17 pm

Here's a tutorial I made for the visual learners out there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSYnMp6 ... e=youtu.be

There's a timeout about 30 minutes that occurs if you do not press any buttons while connected to a server, after which you get disconnected. I've dug around the source code, and I don't see anything handling this.

Does anyone know if this is handled by the server, or if it's handled by the client (the game itself)?
thanks, it works, finally found the problem is CLR_DEV9.ini, i was following ur video :-P

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby killme » Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:36 am

Here's a tutorial I made for the visual learners out there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSYnMp6 ... e=youtu.be

There's a timeout about 30 minutes that occurs if you do not press any buttons while connected to a server, after which you get disconnected. I've dug around the source code, and I don't see anything handling this.

Does anyone know if this is handled by the server, or if it's handled by the client (the game itself)?
30 mins countdown: 0x2062E344

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby dingoyabuki » Tue Jul 27, 2021 3:45 am

Here's a tutorial I made for the visual learners out there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSYnMp6 ... e=youtu.be

There's a timeout about 30 minutes that occurs if you do not press any buttons while connected to a server, after which you get disconnected. I've dug around the source code, and I don't see anything handling this.

Does anyone know if this is handled by the server, or if it's handled by the client (the game itself)?
thanks, it works, finally found the problem is CLR_DEV9.ini, i was following ur video :-P
That's awesome, I'm glad it was able to help!

Also, with gh0stl1ne's help, my solution for "disabling" the input timeout was modifying PacketHandler.java's void send61A0() function, modifying latency's first 4 bits to be a huge number.

In my case I changed it from:

Code: Select all

byte[] latency = {0x00,0x00,0x07,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x58};
(0x00000708) = 1800 seconds = 30 minutes


Code: Select all

byte[] latency = {0x00,0x09,0x01,0x2C,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x58};
(0x0009012C) = 590124 seconds = 9835.4 minutes, which is more than enough time for me (I want to bring a setup for this to conventions, where there will be times the game is unattended for a while)

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby hill73n » Sun Aug 01, 2021 7:15 am

Here's a tutorial I made for the visual learners out there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSYnMp6 ... e=youtu.be

There's a timeout about 30 minutes that occurs if you do not press any buttons while connected to a server, after which you get disconnected. I've dug around the source code, and I don't see anything handling this.

Does anyone know if this is handled by the server, or if it's handled by the client (the game itself)?
thanks, it works, finally found the problem is CLR_DEV9.ini, i was following ur video :-P
That's awesome, I'm glad it was able to help!

Also, with gh0stl1ne's help, my solution for "disabling" the input timeout was modifying PacketHandler.java's void send61A0() function, modifying latency's first 4 bits to be a huge number.

In my case I changed it from:

Code: Select all

byte[] latency = {0x00,0x00,0x07,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x58};
(0x00000708) = 1800 seconds = 30 minutes


Code: Select all

byte[] latency = {0x00,0x09,0x01,0x2C,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x58};
(0x0009012C) = 590124 seconds = 9835.4 minutes, which is more than enough time for me (I want to bring a setup for this to conventions, where there will be times the game is unattended for a while)
Awesome video! I left a comment :D

Where exactly can we apply this solution to lengthen the timeout flag ^^?

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby Kronan » Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:08 am

hello everyone! i'm kinda new to this community even tho i have had an account for 4 years on here XD
So i have been trying to make my server work here in EU because it's a bit laggy to use what i believe is the current DNS for obsrv server bytes=32 time=104ms

so i went ahead and hosted one on my own network, but idk if it works for other people yet and we are gonna host like a retro lan event in the upcoming months. i would appreciate if someone could give it go and check if it works :)

for PCSX2 in CLR_DEV9.ini

<Desc>Set DNS to to use this host list</Desc>
<Desc>Outbreak Login</Desc>
<Desc>Outbreak Lobby</Desc>
<Desc>Outbreak DNAS</Desc>


for PS2 i think only the DNS needs to be setup to right?
Thanks everyone who wants to give it a try :D

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby Isles487 » Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:08 pm

hello everyone! i'm kinda new to this community even tho i have had an account for 4 years on here XD
So i have been trying to make my server work here in EU because it's a bit laggy to use what i believe is the current DNS for obsrv server bytes=32 time=104ms

so i went ahead and hosted one on my own network, but idk if it works for other people yet and we are gonna host like a retro lan event in the upcoming months. i would appreciate if someone could give it go and check if it works :)

for PCSX2 in CLR_DEV9.ini

<Desc>Set DNS to to use this host list</Desc>
<Desc>Outbreak Login</Desc>
<Desc>Outbreak Lobby</Desc>
<Desc>Outbreak DNAS</Desc>


for PS2 i think only the DNS needs to be setup to right?
Thanks everyone who wants to give it a try :D
If you're setting custom DNS entries in the CLR Dev9 config file as you're doing here, the in-game DNS needs to be set to or "auto." Additionally, in the CLR Dev9 plugin settings, set both DNS 1 and DNS 2 to Each user would need to do this on their own setup so that all the DNS calls will point to your server.

If you want less setup on your clients' end, you can roll your own DNS server and have that point to your game server instead. Your clients would only need to set your DNS server IP in their in-game DNS settings.

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby AirysDark » Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:20 pm

Hey guys I've got the server running local. gotten a real ps2 and emulator to connect. But I've tried to get it online but the only port I cannot open is port 443.

is anyone having that problem too?

if not i guess its my ISP.

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby ARnine » Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:01 am

Going to put this here for now since this where the other info on this topic already is.

For those interested, here is a text file tutorial of setting up your own server using the VirtualBox image that refan988 (i think?) exported and posted earlier in this thread.

If there are any errors in my info here pls let me know and i'll amend it. I am not super knowledgeable when it comes to modern technology because this stuff was not around in common usage until long after i finished high school so bear with me. However I am usually very good at clearly explaining things in simple terms so that others can understand and hopefully easily follow.

How to set up your own private Biohazard Outbreak server to play online
What you need:

1. Your public IPv4 address https://www.whatismyip.com/

2. VirtualBox Manager https://www.oracle.com/virtualization/t ... loads.html

3. OutbreakServerGUI.ova https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kBbvdS ... XPxh7/view

The best (?) order to set everything up:

Step 1
Get Your Public IPv4 address

Simply go to https://www.whatismyip.com/ and make a note of Your Public IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx that is displayed.
This will be your server address just like the obsrv.org server address is

[Note: this is NOT your PC's IP address. I made this error and had to get help to correct some settings.]

Step 2
Install VirtualBox Manager

Download from https://www.oracle.com/virtualization/t ... loads.html and install it.

Step 3
Install the OutbreakServerGUI

Download the OutbreakServerGUI.ova from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kBbvdS ... XPxh7/view

Click File -> Import Appliance and select the OutbreakServerGUI.ova that you just downloaded. Click Next -> Import.

It should install automatically.

Step 4
Set up OutbreakServerGUI

Run VirtualBox Manager (if you don't still have it running) and double-click the OutbreakServer that you just installed there.

When the OutbreakServer has finished booting up you need open the file named Setup.txt and follow the instructions.

Step 5
Set up Port Forwarding

You need to set up Port forwarding rules for Ports 443,8200,8300,8590,8690.

Go to your router/modem's settings webpage (for me typing http://mymodem into my web browser automatically takes me there, but this will probably be different for other people).

You should find your router/modem login and password noted on your physical router device so look for a sticker near the cable sockets.

The format of entering settings appears to vary considerably between ISPs (Internet Service Providers).

With mine i had to create a separate Port Forwarding rule for each of the 5 ports that need to be opened.

Some others may let you create 1 rule and you can enter all 5 port numbers separated by commas.

The rule name is whatever you want to call it (I simply named mine "OubreakServer1", "OutbreakServer2", etc)

In my case i had to enter a rule name for each port, select "TCP" from a dropdown box, enter the port number in the WLAN and LAN boxes and the IP address for your emulated RaspberryPi OutbreakServerGUI that is running in VirtualBox.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! The IP address that you use in the Port Forwarding rule/s is the VirtualBox RasperryPi IP address. Make sure you are running the server so you will see it on your router page.

This can be really confusing to know which IP address you need to put where which is why i'm trying to make this very clear!

In order to see your OutbreakServerGUI RasperryPi device IP address you need to have it running currently. It should be displayed on your mymodem home webpage i mentioned above. I think it should be the same as your PC's IP address except the last digits will be different.

Contact your particular ISP to find out how to open ports if you are like me and not technically minded.

Step 6
Playing on the Private Server

The DNS1 IP in PCSX2 CLR-DEV9 plugin needs to be set to

Do this by going to Config -> Dev9 -> Plugin settings -> Ethernet Options then uncheck the Auto box and type

There is a section of code that needs to be pasted into the CLR-DEV9.ini file in PCSX2 over <Hosts>..</Hosts>.

Replace the "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" in between the 2 <IP>..</IP> with your IPv4 address which you got from https://www.whatismyip.com/

NOTE!: I have pasted the code below here but it loses the TAB formating in this forum post so copy and paste it directly from this file https://mega.nz/file/qEolTaBR#8L6BBUDPC ... k1E_qnlU44

<Desc>Outbreak Login</Desc>
<Desc>Outbreak DNAS</Desc>

Good afternoon! Also ran into a problem. The emulator and console run locally. It is not possible to connect from the outside world. I set up DNS - an external ip address, the one that I bought from an Internet provider. DNAS, server addresses Ports 443,8200,8300,8590,8690 are open on the router for the address I checked with the provider, these ports are open.

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby ARnine » Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:22 am

Thanks again hill73n!

Guiding me through the darkness as always.

OK I see, this totally makes sense. I'll try this tonight and report back 8)

------------------EDIT ---------------------

It worked baby!

It was weird though, I had a direct connection to my ISP router and I couldn't even connect to obsrv.

I connected to my netgear switch which goes to my ISP router and I could connect to my server and obsrv on the first try.

Oh well, at least we're online ^_^

Can you help me to become available external Internet? Share raspberry pi image

I followed the pdf instructions on my Pi4(rasbian(deb11)). Locally the DNAS validation is passing. From outside world error -626

Generally understood). We write the external address everywhere except dnsmash.conf. I could not get the server on raspberry to work on deb11. I pulled the disk image and burned it to a physical machine and tweaked the settings a bit. I would be glad if someone shares the image for PI).

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby hill73n » Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:54 pm

Can you help me to become available external Internet? Share raspberry pi image

I followed the pdf instructions on my Pi4(rasbian(deb11)). Locally the DNAS validation is passing. From outside world error -626

Generally understood). We write the external address everywhere except dnsmash.conf. I could not get the server on raspberry to work on deb11. I pulled the disk image and burned it to a physical machine and tweaked the settings a bit. I would be glad if someone shares the image for PI).
Hi. Sorry, but i did not set up that Raspberry Pi image. I just used the one that refan988 set up. I just configured the port forwarding (opening ports) as per my internet provider. I am not skilled in networking. I simply made a tutorial of the process that i needed to follow so others could hopefully get this working for them too.

I have heard that in some countries port 53 does not permit access, but it works no problem in my country.

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Re: Plans to go open source

Postby ARnine » Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:46 am

Can you help me to become available external Internet? Share raspberry pi image

I followed the pdf instructions on my Pi4(rasbian(deb11)). Locally the DNAS validation is passing. From outside world error -626

Generally understood). We write the external address everywhere except dnsmash.conf. I could not get the server on raspberry to work on deb11. I pulled the disk image and burned it to a physical machine and tweaked the settings a bit. I would be glad if someone shares the image for PI).
Hi. Sorry, but i did not set up that Raspberry Pi image. I just used the one that refan988 set up. I just configured the port forwarding (opening ports) as per my internet provider. I am not skilled in networking. I simply made a tutorial of the process that i needed to follow so others could hopefully get this working for them too.

I have heard that in some countries port 53 does not permit access, but it works no problem in my country.

I have 53 open). The problem is that I tried for a long time to get this to work on PI4. It is small and energy efficient. But unfortunately I had to use an old DELL laptop.
In any case, it was an interesting experience.

If anyone needs a RAW image based on the refan988. Write, I'll put it on the cloud.

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