If you go to biopanel.php you can see your personal page for the settings.
- "Your player statistics are public": This is needed for the upcoming player database and showing individual statistics to others or keep them private.
- "Who can join rooms you host": You can define how others can join rooms you are hosting. There are currently three options available:
- * Everybody can join
* Only people on your friendlist can join (everyone else gets a "friends only" message when attempting to join your game)
* Everybody not on your banlist can join (your banned users get a "personal ban" message when attempting to join your game)
To add a user on your friend- or banlist you simply have to know one of their ingame handles (the 6 characters long) and enter that into the inputbox and press the add-button. You won't see the handle in your lists but the assigned userid. That way you don't have to enter every handle of a friend.
To remove a user from your lists you have to enter their userid and press the remove-button.
The link is available via "GamePrefs" on the top of the forum header.