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File #1 and File #2 Tier List

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:50 pm
by Aribokill
I haven't found a convincing tier list online. I know some characters got nurfed from File #1 and some got stronger in File #2. Who do you guys feel should be Low, medium, top and God tier(if any) in this game?

Both original and NPC. Or maybe a separate list for original characters and one with original/NPC.

I feel like Mark in File #1 is pretty damn broken. In File #2, Cindy seems to be extremely good. Yoko on the other hand seems to be on the lower end of the list. I forgot the NPC's, but I remember there were some slow, terrible ones and some amazing ones.

What do you guys think of coming up with an official tier list?